Tuesday, September 15, 2015


The origin of The Host of The Destroyers and The Pointman are contained in the case files of: Alfred Wiggins Jr. v. Bridgewater State College (now Bridgewater State University) in Bridgewater, MA.

"Destroyer rhymes with lawyer for a reason." - Mister Al
Occupy Hades: Is it real, or fiction?

Here's the latest updates at The Strategic Alliance of Webmasters: The S.A.W.

G-Pa: Webmaster at TheSwarm.us

The Case of the Bedbug Mattress (Providence Police Department number 14-108502) is currently in litigation.

We are currently working to get Karmic Radio productions and TheSwarm.fm back on track.  We're in a new, larger studio but we've had equipment issues, such as the equipment that I broke while attempting to troubleshoot.


While adjusting to our new situation we've found it easier to work with mobile apps, but some processes require more than just a phone.  So we expect reinforcements soon.

This blog is about the various projects and operations in what is currently called, The Strategic Alliance of Webmasters: The S.A.W.  We at The Destroyers Data which is hosted here in its entirety.

So without further ado, let's finish roll call beginning with dedicated and personalized domains.

The S.A.W. at TheSwarm.us: