Saturday, May 23, 2015

All Stop

"A man in an authoritative position to whom others look up must always be ready for self-examination. The right sort of self-examination, however, consists not in idle brooding over oneself but in examining the effects one produces. Only when these effects are good, and when one's influence on others is good, will the contemplation of one's own life bring the satisfaction of knowing oneself to be free of mistakes."
From the I Ching: Kuan / Contemplation (View) (20).
In the astrological wheel of the year,
today marks the end of
the Taurus-Gemini cusp 2015
(May 17 to May 23).

It is during this cusp that wise folk
take pause and reflect
upon the progress achieved
since the Vernal Equinox.

This is the time when plans
for the summer take hold.

The Mineshaft is ready for data mining.
With case numbers in hand,
we will see what develops as
we uncover new information.

"Expect Us." - Anonymous

Here's the latest status report for:
The Destroyers are currently
consolidating resources in-house
while expanding the scope of
the elements that comprise
The S.A.W.
(The Strategic Alliance of Webmasters)

The S.A.W. is:
Mister Al
Occupy Hades

The Hive

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Gulag Will Not Wait

One day a school doctor lied on my name.
She didn't know me, but lied all the same.
First she profiled me by "race,"
with all the details neatly in place.

The quack chose to break the law
when she refused to examine me.
But she had to cover her tracks,
so she created an "emergency."

The doctor fooled the campus police
by portraying me as a threat
to the rest of the campus community
because I'm an Army vet.

She wanted to insure
the police put me in handcuffs.
So with profiles and stereotypes
the doctor set me up.
If you're going back to school
pay attention to this rhyme.
Your civil rights can be subverted
at any given time.
The location of this outrage
was Bridgewater State
and when the doctor made the call
The gulag would not wait.

Dr. Grace Siebert-Larke
wouldn't look me in the eye.
She didn't want to face
the victim of her lie.

With an imaginary psychosis
I'll never understand,
and a fraudulent diagnosis
she committed an innocent man.

The doctor said I would take money
from my student loans
to buy items to hurt people
I didn't even know.

Vilification and slander
came out of the doctor's mouth
when she lied to the Chief of Campus Police
but didn't know what she was talking about.

So if you plan to go back to school
pay attention to this rhyme.
Your civil rights can be subverted
at any given time.
The location of this outrage
was Bridgewater State
and when the doctor made the call
The gulag would not wait.

When I tried to follow up
her co-workers abused my trust.
When I remember how I was treated
I'm still filled with disgust.

Withholding information
must be one of the perks
for unethical individuals
engaged in social work.

I got no accommodations
and I got no advocacy
from Counseling Center personnel
after they ambushed me.

I only needed two classes
in order to graduate,
but the ordeal left me disabled
so I'm setting the record straight.
If you're going back to school
pay attention to this rhyme.
Your civil rights can be subverted
at any given time.
The location of this outrage
was Bridgewater State
where if the doctor makes the call
the gulag will not wait.

The Gulag (Will Not Wait), by Al Wiggins Jr.
Originally written in 2009.
Inspired by the curious case of
Al Wiggins Jr. v. Bridgewater State College
(now Bridgewater State University),
Bridgewater, MA;
Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Superior Court: PLCV2007-00492.

Os Amorais by Adriana Janaina Poeta

Image - Destino, Salvador Dali

Os Amorais

Os amorais são pessoas estranhas...
Vivem entre a multidão
como erva daninha,
espinho que não protege
mas existe para ser descoberto,
percebido e revelado,
como algo que se oculta
apenas a olhos não treinados.

Os amorais são pessoas também comuns,
não apenas encontrados nas esferas de poder,
mas certamente convivendo entre eles,
porque dinheiro e poder,
são seus vícios e os subterfúgios
por onde enveredam vida afora,
enquanto corrompem, articulam,
desviam, atrasam,
na sanha insana de beber a taça almejada,
ou seja, a maldade pura
e a inveja ardente misturadas.

Entenda, os amorais tem a alma vazia,
os laços de afeto e o sentido de justiça
e verdade, são preteridos
em detrimento do que há de mais vil.
Família, infância, amor verdadeiro,
propriedade alheia, decência,
direito do próximo, honra e dignidade,
não habitam sua esfera de valores e atributos.

Como seres alheios a moral e ao bem comum,
seja da família ou da sociedade,
são mais nocivos do que ratos,
já que estes últimos tem uma razão
na cadeia alimentar para existir.

Do que são feito os amorais?
Como surgem, de onde vem?...
Talvez surjam e se alimentem
da mão que dá ou da bolsa
que recebe a propina,
da troca de favores que prejudica a terceiros,
do olhar que amaldiçoa
enquanto a palavra é camuflada e distorcida,
sempre com o objetivo de enganar,
separar, corromper, destruir.

Os amorais sempre encontram,
um dia, o desafio para a sua escalada
de luxúria e maldade,
porque todo ser humano,
ainda que em níveis mais profundos,
conhece a força e o poder libertador e iluminado
da verdade, do que é justo e correto.
Este é o sentido grego,
e ainda mais antigo,
para esta Ordem Cósmica que permeia
todo o Universo,
do qual nenhum ser escapa.
Ouso dizer que nós intuímos e percebemos,
sentimos o seu cheiro.

Como tudo que se aprimora
para iludir e corromper,
causar enganos,
os amorais vestem sempre a capa do cordeiro,
nunca se apresentam como lobos.
Faz parte do seu circo particularmente engendrado ,
ter sempre a desculpa perfeita,
apesar das provas e fatos.

Assim, são aqueles que abusam da criança
e a acusam de mentir ou ter incitado,
os que roubam e alegam boas razões,
os que insistem nas mentiras,
persistem nas tramóias,
vestindo a capa do anjo,
embora os seus pés estejam sujos de lama,
os que fazem favores contrariando
leis e atrasando decisões,
a custo de mais prejuízos e riscos
para crianças indefesas,
apenas para tentar fazer
o que é errado parecer correto.

Os amorais detestam quem lhes opõem caminho,
quem os enxerga como são,
estão acostumados a viver nas sombras,
a vestir a pele que não lhes pertence,
fingindo ser o que nunca serão,
sendo este câncer que foge da exposição
por ter a cura facilitada e apressada
diante de uma alma correta,
de caráter justo e persistente.

Não se engane,
os amorais estão entre nós,
rindo, vertendo lágrimas fabricadas
pela cupidez e a perfídia,
são alheios as leis e subvertem sempre
a verdade e o bom senso,
são seres nocivos a sociedade e ao bem comum,
porque sabem fingir como ninguém,
envolvendo muitas vezes quem não compartilha
da sua natureza vil,
mas não lhe opõe resistência.

São estes seres estranhos
a causa principal de tantos crimes
e da corrupção latente
que incomoda e divide,
perturba e tenta manchar,
atentando contra tudo o que é belo e puro,
perfeito e correto,
verdadeiro e justo.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Happy Anniversary

"A place of transition has been reached, and free choice can enter in. A twofold possibility is presented...: he can soar to the heights and play an important part in the world, or he can withdraw into solitude and develop himself. He can go the way of the hero, or that of the holy sage who seeks seclusion.

There is no general law to say which of the two is the right way. Each one in this situation must make a free choice according to the inner law of his being. If the individual acts consistently and is true to himself, he will find the way that is appropriate for him. This way is right for him and without blame."
From the I Ching: Ch'ien / The Creative (1).
Image via Adriana Janaina Poeta
Four years ago today, 
I ended a forty-five day stint of homelessness
on the streets of Providence, RI.
It was the longest I'd ever been
without a place of my own to call home.
Too sick to care for myself properly,
I was forced to live in between
the cracks of society.
Sometimes I would sleep in my car,
sometimes at a hotel
and other times
at a homeless shelter.
I spent much of my time
putting my life back together,
piece by piece,
all the while hoping
that I wouldn't run out of time
before I was able to achieve
a complete recovery
from the stroke I suffered in 2000.
However, what I've been able to do
is create something new
that contributes in a positive way
to the lives of others
in need of support and guidance. 
I have been blessed
to live long enough
to rise up out of the morass
that was created for me
by a series of untoward events
that I never saw coming. 
Though I once feared
dying alone without
anyone to know my story,
now my health is better,
my mind is clearer,

and it's time to move on.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day of the Quinary (Taurean Flow)

Today the number five
is in the mix.
Directing your gaze
to some very dirty tricks.
The 47 Traitors are still free to betray us at will
and sabotage the peace promised by the Iran bill.

The Republican leadership in Congress is a liability.
The decisions they make reek with stupidity.

The damage to our nation is not a mirage.
Sequestration is fiscal sabotage.

GOP leaders don't respect the scientists of our nation.
So they're slow to reward progress or innovation.

The House GOP leadership isn't known for it's loyalty.
They're currently helping banks eager to prey upon our military.

We have asked ourselves time and again:
"What manner of evil took hold of these men?"
So many millionaires now in Congress
and voters consider most of them worthless.

The unholy alliance of dark money and naked greed
has made many a congressman unfit to lead.
So watch GOP leaders shamelessly pander and chase
the corporate bucks that finance their disgrace.