Sunday, February 2, 2014

Six Degrees of Separation

Fire in Heaven above:
The image of Possession in Great Measure.
Thus the superior man curbs evil and furthers good,
And thereby obeys the benevolent will of Heaven."
- From the I Ching:
Ta Yu / Possession in Great Measure (14)

Hello everyone.

The following is the active duty roster for The Destroyers:

1. Mister Al controls @OccupyShame (on
2. Mr. Strangle oversees Operation DejaVu (#OpDejaVu).
3. O.G. Fred Mack is the pointman for S.K.A.N.D.A.
S.K.A.N.D.A. & #OpDejaVu control the portal to Icchantika.

The Swarm maintains control of #OpHyacinth, and its automatic feed, at
S.K.A.N.D.A. scans the Denizens of Zophos for #OpHyacinth.
#OpHyacinth relays information via #OpDejaVu back to S.K.A.N.D.A. for review.
The Destroyers maintains exclusive control of #OpFukushima.

The following is the schedule for The Hive:

Occupy Jobs:  6am
PSYOP:  7am
#OpFukushima:  At the discretion of The Destroyers
The Swarm:  11pm
#OpHyacinth:  Midnight

All sites are hot, and more changes are coming.
We'll keep you posted.  :-)

Al Wiggins Jr.
Founder of The Hive
(Is it real, or fiction?)

Special thanks to: NASA.GOV