"In the beginning, the Sun was a dazzling orb of light, so dazzling in fact that his wife, Sanjana, could not stand his heat and went to complain to her father about this. Her father was Vishwakarma, the divine sculptor. He caught hold of Sun, placed him on his wheel and smoothened his jagged, fiery edges, which dimmed Sun’s radiance somewhat. Vishwakarma then gathered up the remnants of the fiery energy of Sun’s outer edges and fashioned the Sudarshan Chakra, the discus-weapon of Vishnu. Many scholars take this Sudarshan Chakra to mean the ecliptic plane." - Surya - The Sun God | Indusladies.com
Six seconds in space. https://t.co/jU86alNw9A https://t.co/I2QFx4M5vi #SpaceVine
— RidingWithRobots (@ridingrobots) April 17, 2015