"If the right people are entrusted with responsibilities, then the nation is orderly, superiors and subordinates harmonize; the officials are kind, and the common people are loyal. If the wrong people are entrusted with responsibilities, then the nation is imperiled; superiors and subordinates oppose each other; the officials are resentful, and the common people disorderly. Therefore, a single inappropriate appointment means a lifetime of trouble." - The Book of Leadership and Strategy: On State and Society.
Occupy Hades at Scoop.it is curation platform account in which the topic, The Curse of Asmodeus is focused on the subjects of domestic violence, sexual assault and sexual harassment are monitored through Asmodeus. However, each topic is also a designated vector through which we syndicate posts. The Curse of Asmodeus is currently the top-ranked vector at Occupy Hades. Vectors are also used for display at Guantanamo-on-the-Styx on this blog. Guantanamo-on-the-Styx can be found at the bottom of the page in the right column.
The Curse of Asmodeus at Occupy Hades via Scoop.it leveled up to Gold on October 14, 2016. Gold level topics are determined by popularity, and The Curse of Asmodeus reached gold for the third time in 2016.
It's a trend that is bound to continue because misogyny is currently the hottest topic in American politics.
Powerful women from across the country are coming together in righteous indignation over the insults and deplorable behavior of Donald Trump, members of his campaign staff and his supporters.
And as long as women rise up against Donald Trump, the viewership at The Curse of Asmodeus is bound to remain high.
In addition to Asmodeus there's Behemoth, Belial and Zophos. The following our assignments for individual entities and elements of the Strategic Alliance of webmasters in relationship to and focused on these assorted and pinpointed attack vectors.
The subject of domestic violence as well as sexual assault human trafficking and other forms of abuse are front page news and probably remain popular issues until election day. I don't see a problem with asmodeus as a vector. The problem I have is with BMS and belisle. Those two vectors have underperformed consistently. In spite of the Wells Fargo scandal in spite of Royal Bank of Scotland right after that at no time have we been able to keep the numbers up. So what we're going to do is join a number of resources together in an effort to better serve those factors that are underperforming. There isn't a first of all on Tumblr that his operation warchild War child catches everything that is to go excuse me from asmodeus Sophos and Hyacinth vectors everything. Anything that does not fall in that app is distributed from the source and it's indicated differently has a bigger spread. The only way we're going to figure out if this is successful as for those underperforming vectors to get better numbers and hit the gold level. However and more importantly is the way we use these vectors to disseminate and breakdown the events that led to the case of the bed bug mattress. Since the first three recordings on SoundCloud that case has exploded into 5 separate sections. All cases have been filed with the Department of Justice. Using the paperwork from those cases in addition to Bridgewater State College where we got what we started doing this in the first place we take occupy Hades or on a test-drive we take the Destroyers on a test drive take this all on a test drive and see what does and what does not work.