The Swarm is in motion. At the tip of the spear: @karenroepke @WasaBehr @marlowemayfair #usrc #cybersecurity
— Mister Al (@ScionOfScorpio) July 25, 2019
their patrons and their enablers.
BREAKING from NYT: Deutsche Bank officials began scrambling to dump Jeffrey Epstein as a client following publication of Miami Herald series; bank suspected that his finances were tied to sex trafficking.
— julie k. brown (@jkbjournalist) July 23, 2019
Deutsche Bank is the ‘last resort for unsavory characters’ like pedophiles and Donald Trump: @RepKatiePorter to @Lawrence O'Donnell
— Raw Story (@RawStory) July 24, 2019
Help find the predators who won't leave little kids be.
Operation Hyacinth / #OpHyacinth: If you're guilty of anything, it's time to get nervous. #Anonymous #parents #police #socialmedia On point: @MSHelpline @AdoptUSKidsPros @CUCSnyc
— Mister Al (@ScionOfScorpio) July 24, 2019
Let's catch 'em, lock 'em up and throw away the keys.
I’m not an expert on the subject of sin, but I’m sure everyone responsible for this travesty is going to Hell: 'Migrant detention center inspector tells Congress "hellholes" are traumatizing children on purpose' - @Newsweek #Anonymous #resist #childabuse
— Mister Al (@ScionOfScorpio) July 24, 2019