Saturday, July 5, 2014

Independence Day Inside The Hive (featuring the art of Thomas Dodd)

The following message was originally posted to The Founder's Facebook page at 12:01am, Eastern Standard Time.

12:01pm: The following is a message to all members of The Hive:
We are in the process of syncing up our sites and wiping Facebook off of The Hive.
The Facebook page stays intact, but the moment we sync up, all posts for The Hive will come from directly from the site.
The process of synchronization will last all day today. The wipe lasts until all, direct messages on Facebook posted to The are either reconciled to the new format or discarded.
I don't know who thought it was good idea to start playing mind games with Facebook users, but I'm a trained gatekeeper who doesn't tolerate anyone stepping on The Hive's communications.
I've got my crews and a job to do. It's an exquisite nightmare called Operation Fedora, and you're looking at it's ‪#‎genesis‬.
As for The Destroyers and ‪#‎OpFedora‬, here's the dirty, rotten truth: I have a priesthood to take back, stolen child support money to reclaim, a college degree to fight for, and all from an institution of higher education
that no longer exists on paper
 Re: Alfred Wiggins Jr. v. Bridgewater State College
(now Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, MA).
#OpFedora is the means to those ends, and I will brook no interference. It would be wise for the guilty parties, and all haters, to remember: The word 'destroyer,' rhymes with the word 'lawyer.' 'Nuff said.
Now I need credible witnesses.
I chose ‪#‎Anonymous‬ because they're not just hackers.
They are also watchers and they are everywhere.
Al Wiggins Jr

Creator of The Destroyers
Keeper of The Swarm
Founder of The Hive

Operation Fedora engaged

Flaming letters courtesy

Icons & Avatars
Photographed & edited by
Al Wiggins Jr.